Coco Lee: Hong Kong's famous singer Coco Lee died at the age of 48, suffering from depression

Coco Lee's sisters Carol and Nancy said Lee had been suffering from depression for a few years and attempted suicide on Sunday. She was admitted to the hospital with immediate effect but she slipped into a coma and died on Wednesday. Lee, 48, has a singing career of nearly 30 years.

Coco Lee: Hong Kong's famous singer Coco Lee died at the age of 48, suffering from depression

Hong Kong singer Coco Lee passed away on Wednesday. Coco Lee's sisters revealed through a social media post that the singer attempted suicide after which she slipped into a coma.

Coco Lee's sisters Carol and Nancy said Lee had been suffering from depression for a few years and attempted suicide on Sunday. She was admitted to the hospital with immediate effect, but she slipped into a coma and died on Wednesday.

Lee gained a lot of popularity

Lee, 48, has a singing career of nearly 30 years. Her fusion of R&B sounds with western hip-hop brought her immense popularity. According to the report, Lee was born in Hong Kong and raised in San Francisco.

Carroll and Nancy wrote in a post highlighting Lee's achievements that over the past 29 years, Lee has earned countless international accolades with best-selling songs and impressed audiences through live shows. We are proud of them!