Bus bomb explodes in Afghanistan, 11 injured including women and children; 52 Taliban terrorists killed in attack

At least 11 people, including women and children, were injured in an explosion targeting a bus in the city of Charikar in Afghanistan's Parwan province on Sunday afternoon. Tolo News quoted provincial police spokesman Salim Nouri as saying this.

Bus bomb explodes in Afghanistan, 11 injured including women and children; 52 Taliban terrorists killed in attack

At least 11 people, including women and children, were injured in an explosion targeting a bus in the city of Charikar in Afghanistan's Parwan province on Sunday afternoon. Tolo News quoted provincial police spokesman Salim Nouri as saying this. On the other hand, 52 Taliban terrorists have been killed so far, in which 6 mine owners were involved.

Six pro-Taliban mine owners killed in airstrikes in northern Afghanistan

Kunduz. Six militants have been confirmed killed in a fighter jet attack on a group of Taliban militants in Afghanistan's northern Kunduz province on Saturday night. Captain Abdul Razak, the spokesman for the army in the northern sector, said on Sunday. A group of Taliban mine owners were busy planting mines on a road in the Ali Abad district that connects Kunduz to the national capital city of Kabul. Razak said that acting on a tip-off, fighter jets targeted him, killing six terrorists on the spot. The Taliban organization has yet to comment. Meanwhile, for the past few days heavy fighting has been going on between the Taliban and government forces for control of Rustak district in the neighboring Takhar province of Kunduz.

46 Taliban militants killed in Afghanistan

Kabul. At least 46 Taliban militants were killed and 25 others were injured in a fierce clash with security forces in Afghanistan's Takhar province. Taliban convoys and groups of militants were targeted in the suburban districts of Dasht-e-Kala and Rustak, backed by local rebels and supported by the air force, the ministry said in a statement. Among the victims were eight prominent Taliban members. The organization, the statement said, whether there were any casualties from the security forces, Xinhua news agency reported. According to the statement, the vehicles of the two terrorists and many of their arms and ammunition were also destroyed. Northern Afghan provinces have seen heavy conflict and fighting in recent weeks. Taliban militants continued their fight against government forces and captured several sub-regions.