Dubai becomes world's safest tourist destination for foreign tourists bypassing the threat of epidemic
On the one hand, while the tourism industry and related sectors of the whole world have suffered during the Corona period, the story is completely opposite in Dubai. This is the reason why Dubai has become the safest tourist destination in the world even in this difficult time.

People are still troubled by the global corona epidemic that has spread all over the world for the last 18 months. The problem is that even now people are hesitant to go out. At the same time, some countries still have restrictions on domestic and international flights. At the same time, there are some countries where some states or cities are coming under the grip of lockdown. In such a situation, a government figure from Dubai is very surprising. Actually, this figure is related to foreign tourists visiting Dubai during the Corona period.
Although Dubai has always been a favorite place of foreign tourists. But during the Corona period, the tourism sector has suffered tremendously all over the world. At the same time, the data from Dubai shows that between July 2020 and May 2021, 3.70 crore foreign tourists visited Dubai. Dubai's tourism department says that it has completed one year since Dubai's border was opened to foreigners. Dubai allowed international tourists to visit it on 7 July 2020.
The latest data from Dubai's Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism) shows that between July and December 2020 alone, about 17 million foreign tourists arrived in Dubai. At the same time, in the current year, between January-May, about 20 million foreign tourists took their way to Dubai. The figures from Dubai are testimony to the way the whole world market has been hit hard by the Corona epidemic, while Dubai has done a better job in this challenge as well. Strict restrictions imposed in Dubai during the Corona period have not only proved helpful in preventing the epidemic there, but also in these difficult conditions, Dubai has become one of the safest tourist destination in the world for tourists.
Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Makhtoum and Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai have issued a statement saying that new standards of Covid protocol were established at the Expo 2020 held here during the Corona period. This not only gave a sense of security to the tourists visiting here, but it also established a milestone in the whole world.
STR, a Dubai-based hotel management analytical firm, says that during December 2020, hotels in Dubai were filled by about 69 percent. At the same time, in January 2021, they were filled up to about 66 percent. After Singapore, Dubai was the only place in the world during the Corona period where hotels were filled in this way. After this comes the number of Paris and London.
Even during the Corona period, where many hotel sectors of the world have suffered, Dubai has taken this as an opportunity and has also taken advantage of it. Let us tell you that there are a total of 591 hotels in Dubai in which there are about one lakh rooms. Since July 2020, they are fully open with complete Covid-19 protocol. There has been an increase in the hotels here in May and now their number has increased to 715.
Of these, 28,000 rooms have also increased. Between July 2020 and May 2021, about 50 million domestic travelers stayed in Dubai hotels. You will be surprised that during this period in the year 2019, their number was 2.66 crores. This means that there was a jump of 106% in it. For this, Dubai has also been honored at the international level.