High Court of Spain supported the right of Nude man to roam naked on the streets
A Spanish high court has ruled in favor of a man who roamed the streets of the city naked. Alejandro told the court that the fine had no meaning. They accused me of indecent exposure.

A Spanish High Court has ruled in favor of a man who was fined for walking naked through the streets of a Valencian town. This man later even tried to attend court hearings naked.
High Court dismissed the appeal
In a statement, the High Court said the fine had been imposed against the man for appearing naked on the streets of Aldaia, a town on the outskirts of the local capital. The order imposing the fine was set aside by the trial court. After which it was challenged in the High Court, but the High Court rejected it. However, the court acknowledged a lacuna in Spanish law regarding public nudity.
Alejandro reached the court naked
Let us tell you that when 29-year-old Alejandro Colomar reached the court, there was no clothes on his body, but he was wearing only shoes. He argued in court that the fine imposed on him violated his right to ideological freedom. Alejandro told Reuters he had stripped publicly in 2020 and started walking around naked. Alejandro gained more support during this time. However, once he was threatened with a knife.
No point in fine – Alejandro
Alejandro told the court that the fine had no meaning. He accused me of indecent exposure. Which according to the dictionary implies sexual intent and had nothing to do with what I was doing.
Public nudity is legal in Spain since 1988
Public nudity has been legal in Spain since 1988. Anyone can walk naked on the street without being noticed, but some regions, such as Valladolid and Barcelona, have introduced their own laws to regulate nudity. The court noted that there is no law prohibiting nudity in Aldaia.