10 numbers are written on PAN card, which number is special, know everything about it
It is a 10 digit alphanumeric number. Have you ever wondered what they all mean? These numbers can even tell your entire birth chart, we will mention this thing in our news.

PAN Card is not only used as an ID card, as well as it is needed prominently in the work of financial transactions. If you work in the organized sector, then it is necessary to have a PAN card for salary. PAN card has a permanent account number, this number contains a lot of information which is necessary for the Income Tax Department. It is a 10 digit alphanumeric number. Have you ever wondered what they all mean? These numbers can even tell your complete birth chart, we will mention this in our news.
What is the meaning of 10 numbers entered in PAN card?
The first three digits of the PAN card number are English letters. Which ranges from AAA to ZZZ. Which will be these three digits, it is decided by the Income Tax Department. The fourth character of PAN shows the status of the income tax payer. The fourth digit of the PAN card number is also in English.
what does mean
"P" for a single person
"C" for company
"H" for Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
"A" for Group of People (AOP)
"B" for body of persons (BOI)
"G" for government agency
"J" for Artificial Juridical Person
"L" for Local Bodies
"F" for Firm / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
"T" for Trust
The fifth letter of the PAN card is also of English. It is decided according to the surname (caste) of the holder.
After this you will see 4 numbers in the PAN card. This number can be any number from 0001 to 9999. These numbers recorded on the PAN card tell the series that is currently running in the Income Tax Department. And finally the last digit is an alphabetic check digit, it can be any letter.