Know- the dreadful history of Chernobyl, where a major nuclear accident happened 36 years ago, Russia captured

Russia Ukraine War Russia has captured the city of Chernobyl, where once the biggest nuclear accident took place. This entire city has made a place in the pages of history. It has been mentioned again in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Know- the dreadful history of Chernobyl, where a major nuclear accident happened 36 years ago, Russia captured

The Chernobyl nuclear plant has once again come under discussion amidst the war between Russia and Ukraine. After the Russian occupation of Chernobyl, it becomes necessary to repeat its history. On 26 April 1986, a terrible accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, after which the plant was completely destroyed. This accident is counted among the major industrial accidents in the world till date. Talking about the nuclear accident, the name of Japan's Fukushima accident comes at the top, where a decade ago, a tsunami and a tremendous earthquake caused a lot of damage. The Chernobyl incident took place when Russia was known as the Soviet Union.

The accident was caused by a fault in the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This accident was so severe that the roof of the plant was blown off and its radiation was spread far and wide. After the accident, the then Soviet Union had to spend about Rs 5.0 to make the environment radiation free and prevent the accident from getting worse.

The RBMK-type nuclear reactor was undergoing testing in a steam turbine at the time of the accident. Then there was a mistake. Even after many efforts, engineers and scientists could not correct it. However, even after this the testing was not stopped immediately and it was allowed to continue. When the testing was over, it was decided to close the plant. But they could not do so and an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction started. Because of this, more energy than needed was released there.

Due to this energy, its inner part came in a state of melting, due to which there was a tremendous explosion. Before anyone could recover, the inner portion of the reactor and the reactor building were destroyed. Soon after, the plant was engulfed in high flames. Radiation continued to spread in the air even for about nine days after the accident. This radiation also reached Western Europe. On 4 May 1986, it was closed by somehow stopping it. Due to this radiation, an area of ​​​​about 15 km of Belarus was affected.