Mumbai's Girish Sadhwani, Illuminates India's Musical Scene as a Sufi Maestro in making

Mumbai's Girish Sadhwani, Illuminates India's Musical Scene as a Sufi Maestro in making

Interviewer: Girish, your journey in Sufi music is incredible.
Can you tell us how you found your love for Sufi music and what role it plays in your life?

Girish Sadhwani: Thank you. My journey into Sufi music began with a deep spiritual connection.
Growing up in Mumbai exposed me to the city's diverse culture. Sufism's message of love, peace, and spiritual connection resonated with me.
It became a guiding force in my life, shaping not just my music but also how I see the world.

Interviewer: Your skills in singing and playing instruments are impressive.
Can you tell us about the mentors who influenced your music, especially in Indian Classical Music and Voice Culture?

Girish Sadhwani: Sure, I was lucky to have guidance from respected mentors, Pt. Askaran Sharma and Pt. Anand Sharma, who helped me dive deep in the ocean of Indian Classical Music and Indian voice culture. Under Ms. Samantha Noela, I explored Western Voice Culture, expanding my musical horizons. Currently, I continue to refine my skills under Vidushi Shampa Pakrashi for Indian Classical Music in Mumbai.

Interviewer: Sufi music seems to be at the core of your artistry.
Can you share the history of Sufi music in India and beyond, and why it matters in today's music?

Girish Sadhwani: Absolutely! Sufi music has a rich history rooted in the mystical traditions cutting across all sects & religions.Having said that Sufi music has evolved over centuries, influenced by different cultures and hence Sufi music has crossed cultural boundaries, touching hearts globally. Its core fundamentals of love, unity, and spirituality make it relevant and cherished worldwide.

Interviewer: Your spiritual connection with Sufism is evident.
Who & How, does it influence your approach to Sufism in general, Sufi music in a wider perspective and Sufi kalams in different languages?

Girish Sadhwani: My spiritual connection with Sufism deepened under the guidance of my spiritual mentor Hazrat Sufi Jalaluddin Basafa Aasvi thus nurturing and shaping up the spiritual essence of my performances. Sufi poetry is multilingual, reflecting the diversity of cultures and with being able to sing in various languages
I, aim to honor the universal components of the language of music, connecting with listeners beyond words.

Interviewer: Your concerts dedicated to Sufi Music are intriguing. Can you share your experience and why these concerts are special?

Girish Sadhwani: Performing at Sufi concerts  in itself is a spiritual experience, a spiritual journey,  These concerts celebrate the essence of Sufism through the language of music, aiming to convey profound messages embedded in spirituality.

Interviewer: How do you curate these concerts, and what do you hope the audience takes away?

Girish Sadhwani: The concerts involve carefully selecting Sufi kalams aligned with modern and traditional philosophies. The music is chosen and approached carefully to evoke spiritual devotion and spritual surrenderance. I hope the audience takes away not just a musical experience but a spiritual one – a sense of joy, peace, and interconnectedness.

Interviewer: Thank you, Girish, for sharing your insights. Your dedication to the spiritual dimension of music brings a unique and meaningful experience to your audience.