Remedies for Acid Reflux: Follow these easy tips to get rid of the problem of acid reflux

Remedies for Acid Reflux According to health experts, the problem of acidity is caused by excessive excretion of acid in the stomach. This problem is also called acid reflux. During this the acid reaches the throat. Sometimes there is a complaint of vomiting due to acid reflux.

Remedies for Acid Reflux: Follow these easy tips to get rid of the problem of acid reflux

Remedies for Acid Reflux: Wrong diet, poor routine, staying empty stomach, untimely eating, lying down after eating food, smoking, eating more than hunger etc. are the major causes of acid reflux. This is a problem related to the digestive system. According to health experts, the problem of acidity is caused due to excessive excretion of acid in the stomach. This problem is also called acid reflux. During this the acid reaches the throat. Sometimes there is also a complaint of vomiting due to acid reflux. For this, make extensive improvements in food and living habits. At the same time, follow these easy tips to get rid of the problem of acid reflux. Let's know-

Eat ripe bananas

Potassium is found in abundance in bananas. Its consumption provides quick relief in the problem of acid reflux. For this, eat ripe bananas if there is a problem of acid reflux. Apart from this, consuming baking soda mixed with water also provides relief in acidity.

Chew sugar free chewing gum

Chewing chewing increases the production of saliva, which proves helpful in relieving the problem of heartburn and acid reflux. For this, if there is a problem of acid reflux, you can resort to sugar free chewing.

Chew celery

Consumption of ajwain removes the problem of heartburn and acidity in the stomach. Chew ajwain to get rid of stomach related problems. To get quick relief, roast the carom seeds and grind them. Now mix ajwain in water and consume it. This can give quick relief in acid reflux.

Chew ginger

Ginger has been used since ancient times to enhance the flavour. It is a medicine. Its consumption reduces the risk of diseases occurring in the changing season. In addition, the digestive system is also strengthened. Its taste is hot. For this, it provides quick relief in cold, cough and cold. At the same time, chewing ginger provides quick relief in acid reflux.

Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.