How to get rid of pimples: consume these things to get rid of the acne problem quickly
Acne: The immune system is strengthened by the consumption of things containing vitamin C. Also, anti-inflammatory properties are found in it. With the help of anti-inflammatory, swelling in the body is reduced. This gives quick relief from acne and pimples.

Acne: Bad routine, wrong eating habits, stress, pollution and hormonal imbalance cause the problem of nail acne. Sometimes acne also causes pain. People use different types of beauty products available in the market to get rid of the problem of nail pimples.
It's effect is visible, but after a few days the problem remains the same. Due to the use of medicines and face creams available in the market for a long time, the beauty of the face also starts disappearing. According to the experts, to remove the problem of nail pimples, first of all drink sufficient amount of water. Apart from this, definitely include these things in the diet. Let's know -
Eat dried fruits
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in walnuts and almonds. Omega-3 fatty acids are very useful for the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in removing nail pimples. For this, eat walnuts and almonds daily. If you want, you can also eat soaked almonds.
Eat Vitamin-C Rich Foods
The immune system is strengthened by the consumption of things containing vitamin C. Also, anti-inflammatory properties are found in it. With the help of anti-inflammatory, swelling in the body is reduced. This gives relief in nail pimples very quickly. For this, definitely include citrus fruits in the diet.
Eat pumpkin seeds
Zinc, Vitamin-E, antioxidants, magnesium and fatty acids are found in it, which are beneficial in diabetes, obesity, hair problems, insomnia and nail pimples. Pumpkin seeds can be consumed for this.
Try not to take stress
Hormonal balance gets disturbed due to stress. Taking excessive stress leads to the problem of high blood pressure. Along with this, pimples also start appearing. For this, take less stress and do exercise and meditation daily to remove stress.
Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions in the story are for general information only. Do not take these as advice from any doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.