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Tag: health
People who drink milk may also suffer from calcium defi...
Drink milk, it strengthens your bones. This line is repeated in every house at n...
The risk of these diseases increases in men after cross...
After the age of 30, many physical changes are seen in the life of men. If these...
Soaked Almond Benefits: Soaked almonds are a treasure o...
You should eat something in the morning that is beneficial for your health. Noth...
Apple Benefits: Apple is a boon for health, know what i...
Apple is considered very beneficial for health. By eating this, many problems of...
Types of Chest Pain: There are not one but 8 types of c...
Many people are often troubled due to chest pain. People often associate chest p...
Heart attack: These symptoms could be a warning sign of...
According to NCBI, India is one of the countries in the world where patients are...
First Baby with DNA from three people born in The UK
For the first time in Britain, a child was born from the DNA of three people, ot...
Secret Of Happy Heart: By making small changes in life,...
The World Health Organization claimed that heart diseases cause more deaths worl...
COVID-19: These signs show that you are infected with C...
COVID-19: In the last few years, Corona has changed the lives of all of us. Earl...
Summer Fruits: Must eat these 5 fruits in summer to red...
Summer Fruits: The summer season brings with it high temperature, sunshine and m...
Corona's havoc is increasing again, only these 5 change...
The cases of COVID-19 are again increasing rapidly. People are once again being ...
Heart Disease - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Expert...
Heart diseases are taking the form of an epidemic in the country. Now in a repor...
Cancer and heart disease 'vaccine' will be ready by 203...
Vaccine for Cancer and Heart disease If experts are to be believed, by the end o...
Summer Diet Tips: Include these 5 foods in your diet to...
Summer Diet Tips Due to heat stroke in the summer season, the amount of water in...
Worms seen crawling inside the skin of the sweeper in S...
A roundworm infection in a cleaning worker in Spain was so severe that doctors c...
Diet For Heart Patient: eat these fruits and vegetables...
Food For Heart Patient: Every year a large number of people in India lose their ...
Summer Diet: These spices can harm your health in summe...
Summer Diet: To stay healthy in summer, it is very important that you include he...
Heart disease is the cause of 28% deaths in India, Shoc...
Heart diseases are taking the form of an epidemic in the country. Now in a repor...