Heart attack: These symptoms could be a warning sign of heart attack, tips and experts review

According to NCBI, India is one of the countries in the world where patients are most affected by cardiovascular diseases.

Heart attack: These symptoms could be a warning sign of heart attack, tips and experts review

In the year 1990, the number of people who died of heart attack was 2.26 million, which increased to 4.77 million in 2020. In rural areas in India, where heart disease is likely to affect 1.6 to 7.4 percent of the population, it is reported to be between 1 to 13.2 percent of the population in cities.

So it is important that you not only take care of your heart health, but also understand the warning signs (sudden heart attack symptoms) that your body gives before a heart attack. 

Heart attack cases are increasing alarmingly

According to the British Heart Foundation, around 11 per cent of men and nine per cent of women in the UK suffer from heart problems. Wrong eating, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure gradually surround our body with heart related diseases.

Our heart, located on the left side of the chest, is capable of pumping 5,000 gallons of blood throughout the day. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart attacks kill about 18 million people every year.

1. Shortness of breath

On suffering from heart related disease, apart from increased heartbeat, the patient also starts facing the problem of not being able to breathe properly. Due to not being able to breathe completely, a heaviness is felt in the lungs.

Due to this, the person starts breathing fast many times. As such, the breathing problem can sometimes be due to anemia or allergies. But the main reason for this is lungs or heart diseases. Shortness of breath is the primary sign of heart disease. 

2. Chest pain

According to the British Heart Foundation, chest pain and discomfort is a symptom of a heart problem. Heaviness, tightness and pressure is experienced in the chest even after a heart attack.

This heaviness is felt as if something heavy is placed on your chest. When you start breathing fast, this heaviness starts increasing. In such a situation, it is very important to consult a doctor.

3. Cramp in the left shoulder

Pain is felt in the nerve of the left arm and shoulder when heart related problems arise. Which gives us an indication of heart disease.

Due to this, pain or pressure is felt in the left arm or shoulder continuously for some time. If you are also surrounded by the problem of breathing along with pain, then the risk of heart attack starts increasing.

4. Nervousness and cold sweat

When the risk of heart attack increases, it starts feeling like nervousness, nausea and vomiting. Apart from this, continuous cold sweat is also a sign of this.

5. Darkness before the eyes

Due to prolonged pain and heaviness in the chest, darkness starts appearing in front of the eyes. Along with experiencing pain in the hands and feet, this pain also starts reaching the neck and jaw.

6. Signs found mostly in women:-

On the other hand, heart related problems mostly cause acidity problems in women. Gas formation and back pain can be signs of this. At the same time, the problem of back pain due to fatigue and gas increases many times.

What should be the first aid of heart attack

According to Dr. Ashish Govil, if a patient is feeling all these symptoms, then immediately take him to the nearest hospital. Where to get ECG done. It is necessary to get ECG done again after half an hour. This gives correct results.

After this, get Toponin E and I (blood test) done. If your home is far from the hospital, give that person a Disprin immediately after dissolving it in 1/4 glass. 

Avoiding risk factors is most important to keep yourself healthy.

Avoid smoking and control diabetes. As a result of doing these two things, 80 percent of heart attack cases can be avoided.

Apart from this, high blood pressure can also prove to be a cause of trouble. Avoid taking unhealthy oily fast food, alcohol intake and saturated fats.

To maintain better heart health, make some important changes in your lifestyle:- 

1. 10 minute walk

According to Health Harvard, if you do not do any exercise or yoga, then walking for 10 minutes daily is very important for the body. This keeps your digestion system and heart healthy. At the same time brisk walk is also beneficial for the body. Apart from this, by making Yogasana a part of the routine, problems related to breathing also go away. 

2. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables

Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables to meet the deficiency of fiber, vitamins and minerals. This keeps the body healthy and fit. It proves beneficial for our mind to gut health. Make sure to add a raw vegetable or fruit to the routine diet.

3. Decrease Salt Intake

Consuming too much salt can be harmful to your body. Actually, due to increase in the amount of sodium in the body, there is a risk of water retention. On the other hand, excessive salt intake causes high blood pressure. Also, the risk of hypertension starts increasing.

4. Reduce Dairy Fat

Due to high calorie fats in dairy products, the risk of cholesterol increases. If you eat milk, curd and cheese in a healthy way, then they can prove beneficial for the body.