First Baby with DNA from three people born in The UK
For the first time in Britain, a child was born from the DNA of three people, otherwise this disease would have killed in a few hours

First Baby From 3 People DNA In Britain: For the first time in Britain, a child has been born using the DNA of three people.
This technology is an attempt to prevent devastating mitochondrial diseases. The child is born at the Newcastle Clinic in the north-east of England. The doctor told that the child was born successfully without any danger.
The medical field is progressing rapidly in the world. Now a shocking report has come to the fore. This is the first time in Britain a baby has been born with the DNA of three people.
According to reports, in this process, 99.8% of the DNA came from one parent and one from a third female. This technology is an attempt to prevent the extremely dangerous mitochondrial diseases.
In fact, many children in Britain are born with this disease. Scientists believe that this is a successful way to protect newborn children from this disease.
According to a BBC report, the fertility regulator has confirmed that for the first time in Britain, a child has been born using DNA from three people.
This is to protect against mitochondrial disease. If we talk about mitochondrial disease, then it can be fatal within a few days or hours after birth.
This is transferred from the birth mother hence mitochondrial donor treatment, a modified form of IVF that uses mitochondria from a different woman's egg. Which is known as Mitochondrial Donor Treatment (MDT). The rest is the DNA of the parents.
The child is born at the Newcastle Clinic in the north-east of England. The doctor told that the child was born successfully without any danger.
Let us tell you that UK is not the first country to give birth to children from MDT. Through this technique, a child was born in America in 2016. It happened in a family from the American city of Jordan.