Telegram's founder is the 'father' of 100 children without marriage! He is also the biological father of his friend's child
In a post, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has said that he has 100 biological children in 12 countries. This has been possible through sperm donation. He said that sometimes he does not even believe that he has become the father of so many children without getting married. He is also the biological father of his friend's child.
A few months ago, Zerodha founder Nikhil Kamath said that he does not want to have children. Kamath talked about this in detail in a podcast. He said that he cannot have children and raise them for 18-20 years just because he will take care of them later. Now the founder of Telegram has made a shocking disclosure about having children. The founder of Telegram said that he is the father of not one or two but 100 children. Pavel Durov has told this on his Telegram post.
Pavel Durov is the biological father of 100 children
Durov said that he has given birth to more than a hundred children in 12 countries through sperm donation. In a long post on Telegram, he told how he became the biological father of these children. He said that DNA should be made publicly available. Which will help those who face difficulties in becoming parents.
How did this miracle happen?
In the Telegram post, he wrote, "I just found out that I have more than 100 biological children. How is this possible for someone who never marries and prefers to live alone? What is the story behind becoming the father of so many children? He has also mentioned this in the post. According to Pavel Durov, the story of becoming a sperm donor started 15 years ago.
Father of friend's child too...
He told that 15 years ago, a close friend of his was having trouble conceiving a child and the friend requested him to donate sperm. While going to the clinic to donate sperm, he was told that his sperm was of good quality, it could help his friend.
Durov said that the idea seemed so strange that I agreed to sperm donation. The CEO of the tech company also told that he stopped donating sperm later, but even after this he currently has more than 100 biological children.
Same topic in Vicky Donor movie
This thing has also been shown in Ayushmann Khurrana and Yami Gautam's movie Vicky Donor released in 2012. In the movie, a sensitive issue like sperm donation has been shown in a different way.