There was a ruckus on social media over Biden's remarks, said - when she became my friend, she was 12 and I was 30

Recognizing a woman in the audience at a National Education Association event, Biden recalled his days when we became friends. She was 12 then, he was 30.

There was a ruckus on social media over Biden's remarks, said - when she became my friend, she was 12 and I was 30
There was a ruckus on social media over Biden's remarks, said - when she became my friend, she was 12 and I was 30, image source: bbc news

US President Joe Biden is again in the headlines due to his statements. There is an uproar on the internet media about this. In fact, in a statement on Friday, Biden recalled his old days and said that when that girl became my friend, at that time her age was twelve and I was 30 years old.

Biden said these things during the program of the National Education Association. Recognizing a woman in the audience, Biden told her in the middle of his speech that you have to say 'Hi' to me first. Later, addressing a large audience, the US President recalled his bygone days and said that when we became friends. She was 12 then, I was 30. But this woman helped me a lot. All the people present there started laughing and applauded. 

Biden, 79, was trolled on the Internet media last year when he mistakenly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as President Harris during a speech. Two types of reactions are being seen on the internet media regarding this statement of Biden. Some people are expressing strong objection, while some are seen defending his statement.

One user wrote, 'We need more clarity on Biden's comment that she was 12 and I was 30.' One user wrote that Biden wanted to say that when he was 12 years old, his teacher was 30 but he kept saying something else. At the same time, another user condemned Biden's statement and wrote that everyone was shocked by Biden's statement. After all, how can they do such things?