A Look At Music Producer MVTR KENOBI's Creativity in the Studio

Franck Kanga, who goes by the stage name Music Producer MVTR KENOBI's is focusing intensely on his work as music producer. The 33-year-old Frenchman works on his personal projects and produces for his label Polymath Records.
Kenobi founded Polymath Records to house his musical aspirations and help out similar budding artists and has struck a chord with his tracks Studio, Ocean and Fighter.
Reinvention is a key pillar of Kenobi’s creative process, he comments, “Music is immortal. Even before mankind started speaking, we were already making music - with anything we could get our hands on! And the beauty of music is despite being so old, it never runs out of room. No one will ever say we have enough songs now we don’t need them anymore. I love finding new sounds and working to make experimental grooves. You can find catchy sounds anywhere, you can create them and I like to take ideas and inspirations from everywhere and moulding them into a new form.”.
Kenobi spends most of his time in the studio - and tirelessly works for his passion. (Well they do say if you do what you love you never have to work a day in your life!).
Music transcends all borders - Kenobi is a beloved artist worldwide and has gained a great listener base outside of France as well. And he’s going everywhere his music is taking him!