China Taiwan Crisis: Taiwan also started maneuvers, said- China wants to capture the sea.

China sees Taiwan as a separate province, over which it dreams of military control if necessary. Although Taiwan is a self-controlled island, it considers itself separate from China.

China Taiwan Crisis: Taiwan also started maneuvers, said- China wants to capture the sea.

Taiwan has also become alert after China extended the four-day exercise in the Taiwan Strait despite the end of it. On Tuesday, while Chinese aircraft and warships continued military exercises outside its maritime boundary, Taiwan has also begun manoeuvres in response to China. Meanwhile, Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said China wants to occupy the East and South China Seas through the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan's launch of manoeuvres in response to Chinese exercises around Taiwan territory is a major event that is being seen as a challenge to China. Taiwan has direct support from the US. China says it began military drills last week in response to US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.

But the Taiwanese foreign minister said China was using his visit as an excuse and in the name of exercises, it wanted to change the status quo in the Asia-Pacific region. Joseph Wu said That China wants to stop other countries with the help of Taiwan. So on the pretext of Pelosi, China banned the import of many food items from Taiwan.

Taiwan to deploy howitzers

Taiwan also began its military exercises late Monday in response to China's drills. During this time, shells were fired from cannons and ground military exercises were conducted on its behalf. The Taiwanese military exercises were confirmed by A Lu Wei Jae, spokesman for the 8th Army Corps.

On Tuesday, when the last shell was fired from the cannon during a military exercise, the Taiwanese soldiers shouted, "Our mission is complete." Taiwan will now hold military exercises on Thursday, deploying hundreds of troops and 40 howitzers. However, Lu says taiwan's military exercise was already scheduled.

China's real intention is to invade Taiwan

Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said That China's real intention is to invade Taiwan and this exercise is a preparation for that. Through this exercise, China wants other countries not to come forward to help Taiwan. The exercise reflects China's geopolitical ambitions beyond Taiwan. Describing Taiwan as its territory, China has long said that if necessary, it will forcefully incorporate the island into itself.

China considers Taiwan a separate province

China sees Taiwan as a separated province over which it dreams of military control if needed. Taiwan, however, is a self-controlled island that considers itself different from China. The new activities around Taiwan began after China's maritime authority announced that these exercises would be carried out in other locations as well.