Chinese Sailors Death: Chinese submarine sinks in the Yellow Sea, 55 sailors feared dead
At least 55 Chinese sailors are feared dead in the Yellow Sea. According to the news of Daily Mail, a Chinese nuclear submarine got trapped in a net made for foreign ships in the Yellow Sea. The nuclear submarine was built with the intention of trapping British and American ships in the Yellow Sea, but it got trapped in its own net.

At least 55 Chinese sailors are feared dead in the Yellow Sea. According to the news of Daily Mail, a Chinese nuclear submarine got trapped in a net made for foreign ships in the Yellow Sea. The nuclear submarine was built with the intention of trapping British and American ships in the Yellow Sea, but it got trapped in its own net.
A confidential British intelligence report claimed that the submarine encountered a "chain and anchor" net. The submariners died due to a malfunction in the submarine's oxygen system. None of the sailors aboard the submarine survived.
21 officers including Captain were among those who died.
The sailors who lost their lives include the captain and 21 other officers of Chinese PLA Navy submarine '093-417'. However, China has officially refused to accept this incident. Also, China has refused to take any international help for the submarine.
The accident took place in the Yellow Sea on August 21.
A confidential UK report said that the sailors died due to a malfunction of the submarine's oxygen system. The report also said, "Intelligence reports that the submarine met with an accident while carrying out a mission in the Yellow Sea on 21 August. The incident occurred at 8:12 am. 55 sailors died in the accident, including "There were 22 officers, seven officer cadets, nine junior officers and 17 sailors. Captain Colonel Xu Yong-peng was also among the dead."
Poison spread due to failure of oxygen system
The report claims, "The submarine's system malfunction was caused by hypoxia. The submarine got entangled in the chain and anchor used by the Chinese Navy to trap American and allied submarines. This caused the system to fail." Due to which it took six hours to repair the ship and come to the surface. Due to the failure of the oxygen system present in the ship, it acted as poison for the crew.