Johnson & Johnson will stop the sale and production of baby talcum powder worldwide, why took this decision...?
Johnson & Johnson has decided to cease the sale and production of baby talcum powder globally. The decision comes two years after the company ended sales of this powder in the US and Canada.

Johnson & Johnson has decided to cease the sale and production of baby talcum powder globally. According to the report of news agency IANS, the company has taken such a decision two years after the sale of this powder in the US and Canada ended. There have been allegations that there is a risk of cancer disease by using this baby powder. Under these allegations, the healthcare company has faced thousands of consumer lawsuits.
Now preparing to bring corn starch based powder
IANS quoted a report in The Guardian as saying that now the company is looking to replace talc based powder with corn starch based powder. In a statement issued by the company, it has been said that in the year 2023, the sale of talc based Johnson Baby Powder will be stopped globally.
So decided
'The Guardian' said in its report that in the year 2020 itself, the company had indicated this. The company had said it would stop selling the talc-based powder in North America due to legal challenges and declining demand. Following this, the company voluntarily withdrew a batch of its baby powder when the US Food and Drug Administration regulator detected asbestos content in the product.
The company said - our product does not cause cancer
The company said that it has already sold the cornstarch based version of the baby powder worldwide. As for cosmetic talc powder, we have already clarified our position regarding its safety. The company also said that we stand firmly by the studies of medical experts around the world that confirm that talc-based Johnson's baby powder is safe. It does not contain asbestos and does not cause cancer.