Nigeria Attack: Terror of gunmen in Nigeria, 40 people killed in indiscriminate firing; burnt down many houses

Gunmen carried out a series of attacks in the Nigerian village of Jurak, killing about 40 people. Amidst the indiscriminate firing in the village, the accused also set many houses on fire. The incident took place in Plateau State located in north-central Nigeria. Let us tell you that clashes between herders and farmers are common here. Police and residents informed about this incident on Tuesday.

Nigeria Attack: Terror of gunmen in Nigeria, 40 people killed in indiscriminate firing; burnt down many houses

Gunmen carried out a series of attacks in the village of Jurak in the African country of Nigeria, in which about 40 people died. Amidst the indiscriminate firing in the village, the accused also set many houses on fire. The incident took place in Plateau State located in north-central Nigeria. Let us tell you that clashes between herders and farmers are common here. Police and residents informed about this incident on Tuesday. 

The armed men who attacked Jurak village are locally called dacoits. Plateau police spokesman Alfred Alabo said the armed group, fleeing the aggressive attack of security agents, suddenly entered Jurak village late on Monday night and attacked the villages. 

Burnt houses, kidnapped people

In the clash, security agents killed seven attackers, while fleeing gang members killed nine people and burned six houses. Residents say the death toll is much higher. He told Reuters that dozens of gunmen rode into the village on motorcycles, shooting indiscriminately, abducting an unspecified number of people and setting houses on fire.

More than 40 people were killed

A resident of the village said that the gunmen killed more than 40 people without any mercy. Somehow I ran away and reached a nearby village. Till now, I have not seen many of my family members. Another resident, Timothy Haruna, told Reuters that the gunmen killed several people and abducted several others. Many other people were injured by bullets. They also set our houses on fire.

Attacks and kidnappings are common.

Attacks in rural areas and kidnappings for ransom have become common in northern Nigeria in recent years, where armed gangs have targeted villages, schools and travelers and demanded ransoms worth millions of naira. Nigeria is plagued by security challenges, including a 14-year-old Islamist insurgency in its north-east, separatist violence in the south-east and frequently deadly clashes between farmers and herders in the central region.