Saffron Benefits: Saffron is especially beneficial for women, you get these 6 benefits
Saffron Benefits Like other spices, saffron also brings many benefits to health. Apart from adding fragrance, taste and beautiful color to the food, many home remedies are also done with it. It is considered very beneficial especially for women.

Saffron Benefits: Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. The reason behind this is the method of its harvesting, which makes its production expensive. Saffron is extracted by hand from the crocus sativus flower. The word "saffron" refers to the thread-like structures of the flower, called stigmas.
Where saffron came from is still debated today, but it most likely came from Iran. In India it is produced in Kashmir. It is packed with a variety of medicinal properties, including mood boosts and memory strengthening. It is believed that the consumption of saffron can especially benefit women.
So let's know how saffron is beneficial for women
1. Improves Mood & Reduces Stress
Saffron is also known as sunshine spice. Behind this is its beautiful color and mood-healing property. Saffron can also reduce symptoms of mild to moderate stress. However, further research is needed on this topic.
2. Cancer Fighting Properties
Saffron is rich in anti-oxidants which work to eliminate cancer cells, while not harming healthy cells.
3. May Also Ease PMS Symptoms
Eating and smelling saffron may help with PMS symptoms. These include irritability, headache, increased appetite, pain and restlessness.
4. Helps in weight loss along with reducing appetite
Eating snacks between meals is a common habit, which leads to weight gain. According to research, consuming saffron can reduce your appetite, so that you will avoid eating snacks and will not gain weight.
5. The risk of heart disease will be reduced
Several research shows that saffron has antioxidant properties, which prevent clogging of blood vessels and arteries along with lowering blood cholesterol.
6. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Test-tube studies and research on diabetic rats have shown that saffron can lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity.