Sugar Side Effects: Sugar is called white poison, if you eat unaccounted sweet, then know its side effects.
White sugar is used in almost every household, apart from this, all the sweets in the market are also made from sugar. But you will be surprised to know that sugar is the cause of most of the dreadful diseases in the body. That's why it is called white poison.
White sugar i.e. sugar is used in every household. From tea, milk, coffee, sherbet, shikanji, sugar is also used in making all the dishes. People who are fond of sweets, to overcome their cravings throughout the day, eat unaccounted for sweets. But let us tell you that the sugar with which you remove your sweet cravings, it actually acts as poison for your health.
Sugar has a very bad effect not only on your body but also on your mind. Increases your weight rapidly and at the same time melts your bones. Sugar is a major cause of diabetes. That's why sugar is also called white poison. Know its side effects.
Body system damage
Sugar is the major cause of glycation. Actually, after eating sweets, the sugar already present in our body sticks to the collagen protein. Due to this, a system starts being created in the body which slowly starts eliminating the collagen protein. Due to this the elements present in your body are not able to protect your skin. Then its effect is visible on your skin and premature wrinkles start appearing on the skin and old age starts coming. The habit of eating more sugar has also been seen in people suffering from the problem of pimples.
Cause of obesity
Nowadays obesity has become a big problem. Obesity means invitation to all diseases. Even if you do not eat sweets, then you will be fond of all things outside sugary drinks, cold drinks, chocolates, pastries etc. Through these too sugar reaches your body and your weight increases rapidly.
Fatty liver problem
Whenever you eat sugar, it increases the work of the liver and it gets stressed. Due to this, lipids start forming in the body in excess and the risk of fatty liver problem increases.
Memory loss problem
Eating too much sugar puts you at risk of memory loss. Too much sugar increases the sugar level in your body. Due to this, glucose does not reach the brain completely and memory loss starts.
Heart attack risk
You will be surprised to know that excessive consumption of sugar can also cause your heart attack. In fact, eating sweets in excess increases the bad cholesterol in the body. Due to this there is a problem of high BP, as well as the risk of blockage, heart attack and heart stroke increases.
Arthritis problem
If you have joint pain or have arthritis problem, then you should not consume too much sugar. Eating too much sugar increases uric acid in the body, due to which diseases like joint pain and arthritis arise. Let us tell you that arthritis is an incurable disease.
Sugar absorbs calcium
Sugar absorbs calcium from hair, bones, blood and teeth and weakens the immune system. So if you are fond of sweets, then control this habit from now on. Sugar is also the cause of toothache, decay and cavity. Many researches show that many times the consumption of sugar in excess can also cause cancer.