Symptoms of 'silent' heart attacks, sings, outlook, recovery and more
Silent Heart attack: Now people below 30 years of age are also getting heart attack. Due to which death is also happening on the spot. In many cases, heart attack is also silent.

Silent Heart attack: Heart diseases are on the rise in the last few years. Since the Kovid epidemic, there is a continuous increase in heart disease. Now people below 30 years of age are also getting heart attack. Due to which death is also happening on the spot. In many cases, heart attack is also silent. Most people think that there are no symptoms of silent heart attack, but is it really so?
Doctors say that the cases of silent heart attack are increasing since last few years. In many cases there is no heart disease, but still the risk of silent heart attack remains. When this happens neither there is severe pain in the chest, but still a heart attack occurs.
In many cases, silent heart attack also becomes the cause of death. It can occur at any age, although the risk is higher after the age of 50 years. The risk of silent heart attack is more in men than in women.
There is also a problem of diabetes in people above 50 years of age. In such a situation, due to autonomic problems, diabetic patients do not feel chest pain. In such a situation, silent heart attack occurs, it is not known in advance, but there are some symptoms of silent heart attack.
These are the symptoms of silent heart attack
Feeling exhausted
Sudden sweating in which the body feels cold
Stomach ache
This increases the risk of heart attack
According to cardiologists cases of heart attack are increasing due to wrong eating habits and poor lifestyle. Smoking and consumption of alcohol is also a big reason for this. Apart from this, excessive amount of fat in food and mental stress are also major causes of heart disease. To avoid this, it is necessary to take care of food. Do light exercise daily and do not take mental stress. Heart attack can be prevented by taking care of these things.
Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions in the story are for general information only. Do not take these as advice from any doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.