Diabetes: here are some things to consume to easily control sugar level!
Diabetes patients should take Triphala powder daily to control sugar. Triphala is beneficial in diabetes. Triphala stimulates the pancreas to excrete insulin. It has been claimed in many researches that the consumption of Triphala keeps the sugar level under control.

Diabetes: Many diseases knock due to wrong diet, bad routine and stress. One of them is diabetes. Diabetes is called diabetes in Hindi. This is due to the increase in the sugar level in the blood and the release of insulin hormone from the pancreas. It is necessary to keep the sugar under control of the person suffering from this disease. Being careless also increases the risk of many other diseases. If you are also a diabetic patient and want to keep sugar under control, then you can easily control it by consuming these things. Come, let's know about the benefits of these things -
Diabetes patients should take Triphala powder daily to control sugar. Triphala is beneficial in diabetes. Triphala stimulates the pancreas to excrete insulin. It has been claimed in many researches that the consumption of Triphala keeps the sugar level under control. For this, Triphala can be consumed daily. Take Triphala powder by mixing it with milk.
Amla is easily available in winters. Vitamin C is found in abundance in it. Apart from this, antioxidant properties are also found in amla. These properties keep the immune system strong. Chromium is also found in Amla. This boosts metabolism. Simultaneously, the hormone insulin is released. A research has claimed that the consumption of gooseberry stimulates the release of insulin hormone from the pancreas.
Drink Bitter gourd juice
To control the rising sugar, you can consume bitter gourd juice every morning on an empty stomach. You can add lemon to it to enhance the taste. Diabetes patients are benefited by the consumption of bitter gourd juice. Sugar remains under control by its consumption.
Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as advice from a doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.