US Elections: Trump and Kamala Harris in a close contest, new survey says this presidential election will be very interesting
US Presidential Election 2024 According to a new survey by the New York Times and Siena College, the popularity of both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump is at its peak. Most surveys in states like Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania indicate that the contest between the two leaders is going to be very interesting. The presidential election in the US is to be held on November 5.

US Elections 2024 This time the presidential election in America is going to be very interesting. This is not us, a survey by the New York Times and Siena College is telling this. Less than two weeks are left for the presidential election, but according to the final national survey, the popularity of both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump is at its peak.
This time the election will be tough
Both are tied at 48 percent in the popular vote and that is why this contest is going to be very tough. According to the New York Times, the results of the survey are not encouraging for Harris, as this survey has come less than two weeks ago and millions of people across America have already cast their votes.
Expected to perform well in swing states
In a recent survey, the Democrats have got an edge in the popular vote, while they have lost the Electoral College. According to the New York Times report, Harris is expected to make a strong lead, indicating that she will do well in important swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. What has happened so far in the election
In the past few months, presidential candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties have participated in high-profile debates.
At the same time, there have been two assassination attempts on Trump and both leaders have held dozens of rallies in seven battleground states.
According to the report, Kamala Harris' popularity among potential voters has declined since the Times/Siena College poll conducted in early October.
At that time, Kamala Harris had a slight lead of 49 percent to 46 percent over Donald Trump.
Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan - most surveys in these states indicate that the contest is going to be very interesting.
Elections to be held on November 5
Let us tell you that elections in America are to be held on November 5, in which former US President Donald Trump is contesting for a second term and Vice President Kamala Harris is aiming to make history by becoming the first female President of America. Harris and Trump are still at par even after the most turbulent three months in the recent political history of America.