Arne Schönbohm: Germany's cyber security chief has links with Russia's intelligence agency! decided to step down
The head of Germany's cyber security agency has been accused of a very serious allegation, after which Unak is believed to be stepping down from the post. In an article, his relations with Russia's intelligence agency have been disclosed.

Germany's National Cyber Security Agency chief Arne Schönbohm is now believed to be stepping down from his post. His removal from this post is not an ordinary incident. This is because the government itself is shocked and upset by the things that are being revealed behind their removal or what the German media is saying. In fact, government sources say that Arne had contacts with Russia's intelligence service. Hence he has been removed from the post.
Germany facing energy crisis
This is the reason why his departure is now being considered fixed. This big step has been taken by the government at a time when the whole of Europe and especially Germany is facing a deep energy crisis because of Russia. Germany's economic condition is also deteriorating due to the energy crisis. Not only this, due to Russia's constant aggression on Ukraine and Europe, a day earlier, Germany's Defense Minister had said in Lithuania that NATO should take some big steps.
Arne is an expert in his field
In such a situation, the allegations against the cyber security chief of Germany are considered very serious. Arne is considered an expert in his field. He was posted in EADS from 1995 to 2008. There he was the Vice President Commercial and Defense Solutions. In June 2008 he founded a company called Schönbohm Consulting. He was a board member of BSS BuCET Shared Services AG.
Arne remained in these positions as well
In February 2016, he was made chairman of the Federal Information Security Office on the suggestion of the Interior Ministry. However, there was a lot of criticism from the government regarding his appointment to this post. Let us tell you that in an article two days ago, the relationship of cyber security company Protelion with Infotech company which also works for Russia's intelligence agency was exposed. It was said that the cyber security chief has a close relationship with both of them.