Australia again instigated the issue of Jerusalem, the whole world divided on this, the stand of the UN is also different
Israel and Palestine have a longstanding dispute. The dispute over Jerusalem has intensified. On this the whole world also appears completely divided. Australia recently withdrew its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Australia's decision to withdraw the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has shocked everyone. In the year 2018, Australian PM Scott Morrison gave this recognition to Jerusalem. At that time, this decision changed Australia's Central Asia policy. Same thing has happened even now. Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wang says that Australia believes in the two nation theory on the issue of Palestine-Israel. Australia wants both countries to resolve mutual issues with peace and understanding, so that disputes between the two countries can be settled peacefully. Australia wants them to be recognized globally after resolving the border dispute. For this, both should talk to each other.
There is a dispute between the two for a long time
Let us tell you that the Jerusalem dispute between Israel and Palestine has been going on for a long time. In 1980, when the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel by passing La, this dispute has continued to deepen. However, Arab countries have always been against it. Arab countries have also been denying the existence of Israel.
Israeli leaders do not want any settlement on Jerusalem
Israel's leaders have not been in favor of talking to Palestine in any way on the issue of Jerusalem. Former PM Benjamin Netanyahu was also against it. However, the world is also completely divided on this issue. Many countries where Israel does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and declare it an illegal occupation of Israel.
US stand on Jerusalem
As far as the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is concerned, in the year 2017, former US President Donald Trump issued a written document on it. After this the US shifted its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The US writes Israel-Jerusalem on passports issued to its citizens born in Jerusalem.
What does the United Nations say
The UN describes East Jerusalem as Palestinian territory occupied by Israel. In this way the United Nations does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The UN resolution passed in 2009 clearly mentions that it considers any form of coercive occupation of Jerusalem by Israel illegal. However, such a resolution could never be passed in the Security Council. The UN and the Security Council are completely divided on this.