Author-Poet Sneha Narayanan has become the Voice of thousands

Author-Poet Sneha Narayanan has become the Voice of thousands
Author-Poet Sneha Narayanan has become the Voice of thousands
Sneha Narayanan's poetry book, Bloom, has debuted at Number 2 on the Amazon Bestseller list and is standing strong in the top 5 spots since its release. Bloom explores the themes of body positivity, self love, female empowerment , gratitude and healing.

Born in an Army family and raised all over the country, Sneha quit her job three years ago to chase her passion for writing. 
 We asked her about her journey, and she says, " I had low self-esteem and body image issues since childhood. Self-love is the key. If we can't love ourselves, how can we expect others to love us. May be that's what people relate to. I was very shy, and it's only through writing, that I could voice my thoughts,". She adds, "I am an introvert with social anxiety and have felt overwhelmed by human interactions ever since I was a child. I recall escaping to the world of books and stories to self-soothe."
We ask her to recite few lines from her favourite poetry, and she says, 
" I will not wait
for your heart to bloom
to a shade you may never have seen;
I will soak myself
in unconditional love
for the way I’ve always been"
Naturally, she is ecstatic with her book topping the charts and says, 
" I am thrilled with the response my book is recieving, and am currently working on my next poetry book, Self-Love Fairytales, which I am co-authoring with my brother, Kartik Narayanan. This is his first attempt at writing a book and am very excited to collaborate with him. I guess writing runs in the family, even my mother can write really well".