Boris Johnson resigns from the post of Prime Minister of Britain, called himself a Booster Rocket

Boris Johnson said Putin is completely confused but a compassionate Conservative government led by Truss will bring people out of trouble. Johnson compared himself to one of the booster rockets that has completed its task.

Boris Johnson resigns from the post of Prime Minister of Britain, called himself a Booster Rocket
Boris Johnson resigns from the post of Prime Minister of Britain, image source: Times of india

Britain's outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday left with a speech outside 10 Downing Street, just before his successor Liz Truss took office. In his televised address to the nation, Johnson said in a few hours he would be at Balmoral to meet the Queen and the torch would be given to a new leader, the BBC reported. 

Johnson said the supply of arms to Ukraine could very well change the meaning of the war. He further said that he hoped that the new government led by Truss, who was his foreign secretary, would relieve the people of the energy crisis. 

Johnson hit out at Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he cannot blackmail or threaten the British people over the energy crisis, BBC reports. 

He said "Putin is completely confused, but a 'compassionate' Conservative government led by Truss will lift the people out of trouble,

He also mentioned his other successes including making roads safer, more police on roads, building hospitals and recruiting thousands of nurses. He said that there is record funding for education and three new high speed railways.

On the topic of 'a future career boom', Johnson compared himself to 'one of the booster rockets that has completed its task'. He concluded, 'We are a whole United Kingdom and the union is so strong that those who want to break it will keep trying, but they will never succeed.

He thanked everyone who cared for him and his family over the past three years, and made special mention of his Downing Street cat, his dogs Dillin and Larry.

On Monday, Truss was named as the new Conservative leader and will take over as prime minister on Tuesday.