Canada-Germany-Russia: Germany in trouble! If it is difficult to leave Russia, it is not easier than Canada to import gas
Germany is looking for a new alternative in the form of Canada to avoid Russia's shock over gas imports. But this option is not easy for him. Nor can this option give him any immediate relief.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has completed six months. At present, there is no sign of this war ending soon. Meanwhile, the impact of Russia's gas on Europe remains a lesson of concern for them. In such a situation, Germany, Europe's largest economy, has played its bet on Canada. But many concerns are also being raised about how true his bet will be. In this detailed report, we will tell you what Europe, including Germany, needs and how Canada will meet their needs and what are the problems with it.
- During the past six months, Russia has been continuously reducing the supply of gas to Europe. Not only this, during this time he has also switched off the supply of gas several times. In such a situation, Germany and the whole of Europe is looking for a new option for itself. Germany has explored an alternative in the form of Canada. Germany needs Russian gas the most. It is currently the only panacea to run its economy. But due to the constant troubles created by Russia, Germany has been forced to look for a new option.
- Canada, on the other hand, is the fifth largest producer of natural gas in the world. Despite this, supplying gas to Germany remains a big challenge for him. This is because there is no natural gas port on its east coast. In such a situation, the only option left with him is to open the way for gas supply to Europe through a pipeline. One of the biggest problems in this is that if only Germany buys gas from Canada, then its price will be much higher. This will also not be a profitable deal for Germany.
- Putting pipelines by sea for Canada will also not be an easy task. This work will also take several months. Even if a gas agreement is reached between Canada and Germany, Canada will not be able to supply gas to Germany immediately. If Germany alone buys gas in Europe, Canada will have to pay the price to all the countries it will pass through. For this, Canada will need to sign agreements with those countries as well. Both the cost and time of the pipeline would be quite high. Even after this, Canada will be able to give as much gas as Russia gives, there is also a big question about it.
- Germany is trying to completely stop importing gas from Russia by the year 2024. So he wants a new partner soon. Along with this, he also wants to ensure that the wheel of his economy does not stop. But Russia can put its foot in this. If this deal is done in Canada and Germany, then Russia can completely stop the supply of gas, giving a tremendous blow to Germany. Apart from this, he also has the option to increase gas prices. Already the price of natural gas has been very high because of the Russo-Ukraine war.