China has no allies in the world while many of America, Defense Minister Austin spoke in US Congress

The US Defense Minister says that China has no allies in the world while the US has many big and strong allies all over the world. It has also been said in the Congress that the whole world should rise against China.

China has no allies in the world while many of America, Defense Minister Austin spoke in US Congress

China, which tries to attack America on every front and aspires to get the status of America has no allies in the world whereas America has many allies in the world who are also ready to give all kind of help to it. . These things were discussed by the US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin during the House Appropriation Subcommittee on Defense address to the MPs at the time of the 2022 budget of the Ministry of Defense. He told the members that the task force created for China has completed its work and is working on a plan ahead in view of the emerging threat from China in the future.

Austin pointed out that the US currently has strong allies in the Indo-Pacific region. He said that all of you must have seen that recently America has tried to strengthen its allies. For this, those countries were also visited. Foreign Minister Antony Blinken also visited several countries. During this time, the emphasis of the US was on many allies in the Indo-Pacific region. All these tours were very important and were completely successful. He also referred to a visit to India on this occasion. Referring to China, Austin said that he is eyeing cyberspace. But in this area too, America is a tough challenge for China.

Meanwhile, Congress member Scott Franklin also introduced a bill to completely prevent China from joining the Rim of Pacific. He said that on the one hand China is committing atrocities on Uigars and minority communities in Xinjiang province. He also accused China of committing genocide in Xinjiang province. He said that China is continuously violating human rights in this province. The whole world should raise their voice against this misdeeds of China. The US should also take more stringent measures against China in this regard. He said that the bill introduced by him would make China accountable for its misdeeds.