US Mid-Term Polls: The results of the mid-term elections in America brought a very bad message for Donald Trump

US Midterm Polls: Buoyed by the predictions of a major Republican victory in the midterm elections, Trump has indicated that he will announce his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election on November 15. In addition, Trump's support was considered necessary to win the Republican Party's primary for the mid-term elections this year.

US Mid-Term Polls: The results of the mid-term elections in America brought a very bad message for Donald Trump
Donald Trump and Joe Biden, image source: WINO

What was predicted to be the realisation of Joe Biden's nightmare, actually turned out to be a bad night for former President Donald Trump. In America's mid-term elections, according to earlier estimates, the Republican Party could not win a big victory. But Trump has suffered an even bigger setback by the fact that most of the candidates to whom he had given his special support, lost. Among them is Dr. Mehmet OZ, who was defeated in the election for the Senate in the state of Pennsylvania. 

Governor Ron DeSantis's massive victory. DeSantis is considered the rising star of the Republican Party. There are already speculations that he will stake claim to the party's candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. A big factor in DeSantis's victory was the Latino (immigrated from Latin American countries) voters. This has created the impression that if DeSantis becomes the candidate, the Republican Party could get the support of millions of voters of this community.

Buoyed by anticipation of a major Republican victory in the midterm elections, Trump indicated he would announce his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election on November 15. In addition, Trump's support was deemed necessary to win the Republican Party's primary for the mid-term elections this year. In America, parties choose candidates through elections within themselves. This election is called primary. 

During the primary, Trump fielded many of his special people and was successful in making them victorious. Among them, Dr. OZ and Pennsylvania's gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano are considered his special followers. But both of them lost. Similarly, in the state of New Hampshire, Trump's candidate Don Bolduc had to face defeat in the Senate election. In the election to the House of Representatives, many of his special candidates have also been defeated. 

Analysts are of the opinion that after the latest results, it is not as easy for Trump to win the 2024 presidential election as before. Especially given this, a big contender has emerged against him in the form of DeSantis. Trump, aware of this fear, sent a message to DeSantis on Wednesday not to try to run for the presidency in 2024. DeSantis was previously considered a supporter of Trump. But now it is understood that his stance may change.

Florida has always been an important part of the Republican Party's electoral strategy. There are many counties (districts) in this state, where Latin voters are the majority. In those counties, on most occasions, the Democratic Party had the lead. The rest of the state was considered a Republican stronghold. Because of this, the electoral scale in the state used to swing between the two major parties. But this time in Latino counties, DeSantis defeated his Democratic opponent by a margin of 11 to 20 percent of the vote. This gave him a massive victory. But more than that, the result showed DeSantis' ability to woo Latino voters. This could become a decisive factor in deciding the Republican Party's nominee in the next presidential election. This is a big blow for Trump.