China is making a new war policy, Xi Jinping will create the world's best army! So that America can be defeated

People's Liberation Army is now going to change the wars that the Chinese army won against neighboring countries by following its old principles of fighting. Now it is preparing a new war strategy to face and win against strong enemies and opponents. The armies are being prepared accordingly.

China is making a new war policy, Xi Jinping will create the world's best army! So that America can be defeated

The Chinese army is now going to change the wars it won against its neighbouring countries by following its old principles of war. Now it is preparing a new war policy to face and win against strong enemies and opponents. The armies are being prepared accordingly.

China is now making military preparations considering America as its adversary. President Xi Jinping has instructed the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to increase its strategic capability.

It has been described as necessary for the protection of China's sovereignty and development of interests. It is known that Jinping is also the chairman of the Military Commission of China, which is the highest post in the military. In the ceremony organized on the 120th birth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping, who is considered the pioneer of modern China, President Jinping praised Deng's progressive policies wholeheartedly and talked about his efforts to strengthen the army.

The goal of becoming the best army in the world

Jinping said, the best way to honor Deng would be that we continue the efforts for improvement suggested by him. The way he wanted to keep moving the country forward, we should continue to move on the same path. Deng wanted to make PLA a modern, strong and well-organized military force, which would be considered the best army in the world. Therefore, PLA should continue its efforts to achieve strategic superiority. Its goal should be to become the best army in the world.

China wants to move forward with the help of the army

It should be known that this instruction has been given to PLA when China is facing challenges on many fronts. The experiments it is doing for its expansion are creating disputes and China cannot move forward without resolving those disputes, so the Chinese leadership now feels that it is difficult to move forward without military superiority.

Only military capability can pave the way for its progress. Taiwan and South China Sea are two such issues on which if China moves forward, then there is a certain conflict between China and America, in such a situation, China cannot achieve its goals without military superiority.