COP26 Summit: 27 countries including India signed the COP26 Action Agenda for Sustainable Agriculture

The COP26 International Summit is being held in Glasgow on the challenges of climate change. India has joined the 27 countries that have signed an action agenda on sustainable agriculture at the conclusion of the first week of the conference. Under this agenda, new commitments have been adopted to make agriculture more sustainable and less polluting. The Sustainable Agricultural Policy Action Agenda and the Global Action Agenda for Innovation in Agriculture were among the major resolutions that the countries participating in COP26 have taken For.
These countries have changed their agricultural policies to become more sustainable and less polluting and, in science, needed to protect food supplies against climate change Make new commitments to invest. Alok Sharma, Cabinet Minister, and Chairman, COP26, United Kingdom said that if we have to limit global warming and maintain the temperature target If you want to keep it, the world has to make permanent use of the land and take further steps keeping in view the safety and restoration of nature.
" New commitments will contribute to the overcoming of the dual crisis "
Indian-origin Alok Sharma said the commitments that countries have demonstrated today show that nature and land meet the goals of the Paris Agreement the use is being considered necessary. He said it will contribute to addressing the twin crises of climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Sharma said that in the second week of the COP26 Conference, I urge all parties to come forward with constructive agreements and necessary ambitions so that this serious crisis can be tackled in time.
Apart from India, these countries signed action agenda
Apart from India, 26 more countries have also signed this action plan. These include Australia, Uganda, Madagascar, Tanzania, Vietnam, Nigeria, Lesotho, Laos, Indonesia, Guinea, Ghana, Germany, Philippines, Ethiopia, Countries like the United Kingdom, Colombia, Costa Rica, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sierra Leone, Spain, Switzerland and United Arab Emirates (UAE), etc. These are included. These countries resolved to adopt new and effective policies to make proper use of land to meet the challenge of climate change.
The conference, which has been completed one week, is yet to be held for another week. Meanwhile, representatives of about 200 countries are discussing ways to reduce tax carbon emissions in the year 2030. Personalities like Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Prince Charles at the international summit are joining. The climate summit, chaired by Britain, began on October 31 and will conclude on November 12.