Corona is taking more lives than it is counted, 60-80 lakh people have died: WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that there have not been many direct or direct deaths due to the Kovid-19 epidemic. The WHO said on Friday that more deaths were reported in official figures than it was reported. The global body estimates that 60–80 lakh people have lost their lives so far by this epidemic. At the same time, 34.46 lakh people have died officially so far.
Issuing the annual Global Health Statistics Report, the WHO estimated that the Corona epidemic in 2020 killed at least 3 million people or 1.2 million more than official figures. The report says, "Due to Kovid-19, a large number of direct or indirect deaths are not being counted."
The UN agency estimates that by May 2021 Corona has directly killed 3.4 million people. Samira Asma, assistant director-general (data and analytics division) of WHO, said, "The number will actually be two to three times higher. So I think there would have been 60–8 million deaths. ”WHO data analyst William Mesemburi said the estimate was not counted and indirectly due to Kovid-19, such as lack of hospitals or ban on movement, such as Issues include deaths due to.