Does eating chocolate cause pimples? Shocking revelation in research

It is being claimed in some research that eating chocolate causes pimples and pimples on the face. Excessive consumption of chocolate can increase the problem of acne.

Does eating chocolate cause pimples? Shocking revelation in research

Chocolate is the favorite of all of us. This is such a thing, which gets everyone's mind tempted. Children are very fond of eating chocolate. Let us tell you that even the people of the teenage group are not able to turn their back on chocolate. But do you know that excessive consumption of chocolate in teens can lead to the problem of acne and pimples. Be aware that many types of research are coming out about this, in which it is being claimed that chocolate can cause pimples and acne problems on our face.

What does research say about chocolate?

The problem of acne and pimples is usually caused by eating more oily things. But according to research, chocolate can also increase pimples. Let us also tell you that many types of anti-oxidants are found in chocolate which are also beneficial for our body. But talking about its side effects, it increases pimples. According to the report of CNN, research has found that if you consume chocolate, then you can get more than 5 pimples. However, when these pimples burst, there is a possibility of more pimples.

Milk chocolate does not cause pimples

According to the research revealed about chocolate, people who ate milk chocolate did not have the problem of pimples. At the same time, when chocolate made from milk and sugar was consumed, it increased the problem of pimples. Research has also revealed that chocolate can increase the problem of acne.

Chocolate Isn't the Only Cause of Pimples

At the same time, Dr. Pravit Aswanoda of the University of Bangkok has claimed in his research that eating only chocolate cannot be the cause of pimples. They claim that many other reasons are also responsible for nail-acne. He told that many things including our food, genes, environment are responsible for the growth of pimples. But Dr. Pravit Aswanoda has believed that eating dark chocolate can increase acne.

(The information given in this article is based on general assumptions. The Weekly Mail does not confirm these. Follow this only after consulting an expert.)