Halloween Stampede: police chief took responsibility for the accident, the home minister apologized to the country
South Korea Halloween Stampede Security officials could not effectively deal with the emergency call of disaster victims. The death toll in Saturday's accident has risen to 156, of which 26 are foreigners. Along with this 151 others are injured.

South Korea Halloween Stampede: South Korea's police chief has claimed responsibility for an accident that occurred during the Halloween Festival celebration in Seoul on Tuesday. He admitted that the security officials were not able to effectively deal with the emergency call of disaster victims. The death toll in Saturday's accident has risen to 156, of which 26 are foreigners. Along with this 151 others are injured.
Home Minister apologizes to the country
Interior Minister Lee Sang Min has apologized to the country for the accident. Police have banned overcrowded shows after the Halloween tragedy. The Commissioner General of the Korean National Police Agency, Yun Hi K Un, said in a press conference on Tuesday that as a responsible official of the government, I accept full responsibility for this accident.
Civilian calls were pouring in
Yoon said that preliminary investigations have revealed that civilian calls were pouring in, fearing a serious threat to the large gathering in Itawan. But the officials who picked up the phone did not give any satisfactory reply to those concerns.
475 member task force
Yoon said that after the accident, the police formed a 475-member task force to investigate the cause of the incident. Apart from this, an internal investigation is also being done. Police said 137 officers were deployed to maintain security during the Halloween festivities. But it is being said whether it was enough to control a crowd of about one lakh.