Jerusalem: Violent clash between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police, injures more than 170 people

178 Palestinian and six police officers were injured in this violent clash around Islam's third holiest place and Old Jerusalem.

Jerusalem: Violent clash between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police, injures more than 170 people

Violent clashes broke out between the Israeli police and the Palestinian protesters outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem late Friday night. Police used rubber bullets and stun grenades on the stone-throwing protesters. Indeed, the reason for the controversy is the claim of Jewish settlers (people who are settled in Palestinian) to the land that is home to the Palestinian people. This is why Palestinian people are demonstrating for fear of losing their homes.

178 Palestinian and six police officers were injured in this violent clash around Islam's third holiest place and Old Jerusalem. Tensions had started in Jerusalem and the West Bank since the beginning of Ramadan. Incidents of violent clashes were seen every night in Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. Palestinian families living in Sheikh Jarrah are fighting a case against being removed from here.

Police used water canon to remove protesters

On Friday, peace and restraint were asked by the United States and the United Nations. The European Union and Jordan raised their voice against the removal of the people. On Friday, Palestinian Al-Aqsa mosques reached tens of thousands for the Namaz. After Namaz, a large number of people gathered to protest against the eviction of Sheikh Jarrah. Soon after Iftar, violent clashes started near Al-Aqsa. The police attempted to disperse the protesters through a water canon.

Hearing on Sheikh Jarrah to be held on Monday

An official of Al-Aqsa Mosque appealed to the people to maintain peace through loudspeakers. Let us know that the Supreme Court of Israel will hear on Monday about the eviction of Sheikh Jarrah. It is on this day that Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day, which marks the capture of East Jerusalem after its victory in the 1967 Middle East War. The Palestine Red Crescent Ambulance Service said that 88 Palestinian people injured by rubber bullets have been taken to the hospital.

People who commit violence will be arrested: Israeli police

The police spokesman said that Palestinian protesters threw stones, fireworks and other items towards police officers. Six police officers have been injured in this, who are undergoing treatment. The spokesperson said, "We will respond strongly to any violent disturbances, riots or harm to our officers and will work to apprehend those responsible for this." On the other hand, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said, he blames Israel for the attacks and dangerous activities in this holy city.