Madhurima Guruju's Triumphant Return: Discover Her Groundbreaking Poetry and Exclusive Naveen Polishetty Biography!

Madhurima Guruju's Triumphant Return: Discover Her Groundbreaking Poetry and Exclusive Naveen Polishetty Biography!

Following the success of her poetry books, Madhurima Guruju has carved her niche in literary arts with her poignant writing style. After a long time, she is going to return strong with books that each of them belongs to the genre of poetry and biography.

The author pens a note about how excited she is to see the process of the final outcome and has been playing a crucial role along with the publishing team in proofreading sessions which marks the verge of completion of her manuscript.

A poetry book is firstly lined up in release, subsequently a book on Naveen Polishetty will be released in the month of August. In the process of discovering the progress of her journey so far, Madhurima has candidly revealed a few insights on her books. 'the poetry book is not typically composed of poems but has style of prose and poetry kind of writing with an amalgamation of thoughts and few of my own musings that I am trying to present to readers for letting themselves reflect their own self through my writings. That's my agenda!'

Amidst the hype building up, most of the readers are keen to get their hands on her biography book based on an upcoming actor Naveen Polishetty who is known to have established himself in the industry and his profound journey inspired young minds, especially those with aspirations.

'I wanted to present Naveen Polishetty as not just an entertainer but as a wholesome person. So far, he is known for his vivid entertainment but he is also deserved to be known for how long he has come to reach to the state of level where people look up to him. Though a long time ago, he was only struggling to climb through the success. His journey is intense, deep, introspective and makes everyone reflect themselves'

Apparently, the book on Naveen Polishetty will be released in 3 volumes. For now, Madhurima is wrapping up volume 1. '33 chapters have been written and 10 more to go. I am super excited! Finally, I found a great team to helm my projects' quips the author.

Preceding the release of books on Naveen Polishetty, the author is now gearing up for her poetry book which will mark her comeback to the literary world after 2 years since her earlier published books - Musings on Life and Musings and Memories. Aiming to bring the best work, the author has been intensely working hard crafting the book with a few illustrations in between chapters that will likely hook the attention of readers.

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