NATO Alert in Ukraine war: NATO on high alert by decree of Russian army, what is Putin's strategy in Ukraine war
NATO Alert in Ukraine war Why are NATO forces on high alert after this order of Russian President Putin. Can Russia attack western countries on the pretext of Kherson? Can NATO and Russian soldiers be face to face in this war

NATO Alert in Ukraine war: Ukraine war has now reached a very dangerous point. The alarming signals given by the Russian army regarding the Ukrainian city of Kherson have raised the ears of NATO and Western countries. The Russian military has asked all residents of Kherson to leave the city immediately. This has strengthened the fear that the Russian army may take any major military action in this area. In such a situation, the question arises as to why the Russian army ordered the people to leave the city. What are the strategic implications of this? Let us know what experts say on this.
NATO army on high alert after Putin's decree
NATO forces are on high alert following this order from Russian President Vladimir Putin. In such a situation, the question arises whether Russia can attack Western countries on the pretext of Kherson. Can NATO and Russian soldiers be face to face in this war? Are there chances of third world war? Experts say that if NATO jumps into this war, then no one can stop the Ukraine war from turning into a third world war.
Putin's big strategy to end Ukraine war
Foreign affairs expert Prof Harsh V Pant says that this gesture of the Russian army gives a dangerous signal. He said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is busy executing some big strategy. The military cooperation of Belarus with the Russian army should be seen in this link. They seem to have some great intention behind evacuating the citizens from Khersan. His big plan appears to be behind the first missile attack on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and then on the energy systems of its major cities.
Prof Pant said that Putin can try to put tremendous pressure on Western countries with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy through his military strategy. So the Russian military has now targeted Ukraine's power stations and water supply systems. The Russian military now aims to dismantle Ukraine's infrastructure, to put pressure on Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and the West.
After this Ukraine may be forced to compromise. For now, the Ukrainian public still stands with Zelenskyy. She is supporting President Zelenskyy in this war. This is the reason why Ukrainian citizens have also taken up arms against Russian security forces.
Putin's strategy threatens humanitarian crisis
Prof Pant said that after this decree of the Russian army, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's claim that Putin can attack the hydroelectric dam of Kherson through false flag operation. He said that if this happens, then there can be great devastation in Ukraine. This can be gauged from the fact that 80 towns and villages of Ukraine will be submerged in water.
This will affect Ukraine's electricity and water supply. He said that this would lead to a humanitarian crisis. After this there will be a lot of pressure on Zelenskyy too. Due to this, the city of Kherson will be most at risk. It is strategically extremely useful for the Russian and Ukrainian military.
Russian army is using missiles and drones
Significantly, after the explosion on the bridge built in Crimea, the Russian army has become very aggressive. After this, the Russian army has targeted major cities including the capital of Ukraine. The Russian army is indiscriminately using missiles and drones. More than 30 percent of Ukraine's power stations have been destroyed by Russian military attacks. Many cities in Ukraine are shrouded in darkness. Both water and electricity supply have been disrupted in many cities.
The main concern of the Ukrainian President is the Nova Kakhovka Dam. If Russia targets this dam with its nuclear weapons, the southern part of Ukraine will be destroyed. This doubt has deepened after the Russian President evacuated Kherson.
Why is there a ruckus over Kherson
It is noteworthy that Russian President Putin has imposed martial law in four regions of Ukraine that have been included in Russia (Luhansk Donesk, Zaporizhia, Kherson). Now this area is under the control of the Russian army. Since then, the Ukrainian military has been pushing for its control over the strategically useful Kherson. The Ukrainian President claims that he will take back the lost territories of Ukraine. Ukrainian security forces are bombing Russian targets in the Kherson region. After taking control of Kherson, Russian officials have announced the evacuation of 60 thousand civilians from across the river.