Political Crisis in Sweden: Political crisis deepens in Sweden, PM Stephen Lofven loses confidence vote in House.

The political crisis has arising in Sweden. The country's Prime Minister Stephen Lofven lost his government's vote of confidence in the House on Monday. He is the first leader in Sweden's parliamentary history to lose the motion in the House. Stephen Lofven is associated with the Social Democratic Party. Lofven became the Prime Minister of the country in 2014.
Prime Minister Stephen said, "We have two options, however, the picture of how this political stalemate will take place in Sweden is yet to be cleared. It is yet to be clear what will happen next in Sweden. Lofven said on Thursday that he wants to wait for the outcome of the no-confidence motion and then think about what would be better for Sweden. Prime Minister Lofven said he has two ideas, first lying in the middle-term elections or being the head of the caretaker government.
India and Sweden share a better relationship with Sweden. Bilateral relations were discussed with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Swedish Prime Minister Stephen Lofven in March 2021. In the meeting, which was held through virtual means, the two leaders discussed ways to further strengthen cooperation between Sweden and India in the post-Covid era. In this discussion, PM Modi had said that we have so far provided covid vaccine made in India to 50 countries. We have shared our experiences with front-line health workers and policymakers from Asia, South East Asia, and Africa through online training programs.