Relationship Tips: Are you also carrying the burden of a toxic relationship? recognize it as
If there is a lack of trust and respect with love in your relationship, then it means that you are in a toxic relationship, which can become more trouble for you in the future. So get out of it as soon as possible.

Fighting over small things, always suspecting, trying to control you... these are some of the habits that if you have in your partner, it means you are in a toxic relationship. To take the relationship forward, not only love is necessary, but the role of some other things is very important. Due to the lack of these things, the car of the relationship starts to waver. Suffering from a toxic relationship is bad both physically and mentally. So today we will know about some such habits, which if you have in your partner, then get out of it as soon as possible.
Signs of unhealthy relationship
1. Fighting on every matter
It takes time to adjust after marriage, but if your partner is not understanding this and brings up the issue of fighting on every little thing, then it indicates that you are in an unhealthy relationship.
2. Not responding
Not respecting each other's thoughts, feelings, opinions is the hallmark of a toxic relationship. The basis of a relationship is love and respect, so if it is not there then it is useless to be in a relationship.
3. Not being supportive
If your partner laughs at your dreams, does not provide any kind of support, then this is also a sign of toxic relationship.
4. Lack of trust
The habit of doubting everything is also a sign of an unhealthy relationship. Which can take away your freedom. So if your partner does not trust you, then first try to find out the reason from him. If there is a deficiency in you, then rectify it, but if this doubt is unnecessary, then it is better to end the relationship.
5. Trying to control each other
If your partner tries to control you in everything, then this is not the right approach. There is a feeling of suffocation in such a relationship. This habit can also turn into violence, so do not tolerate this habit of the partner at all. If things can be done by persuading, then it is okay, otherwise immediately distance yourself from such a man/woman.