Revealed on FBI raid on Trump's house, investigation agency went in search of nuclear documents
The FBI is believed to have raided Trump's Florida residence to search for documents related to nuclear weapons.

There has been a big disclosure about the raid on the residence of former President Donald Trump by the US investigative agency Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The FBI is said to have raided Trump's Florida residence to search for documents related to nuclear weapons. The Washington Post reported, although it is not clear at this time whether such documents were also recovered from the former president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach.
Significantly, on Monday, the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) raided Trump's residence in Florida and his safe was also broken. During the raid by the FBI, many documents were recovered from the former president's house. According to The News Week, FBI sources told that this raid was deliberately done at a time when Trump was not present at home. This is because he could then influence the raid and make it a political issue.
Instructions to make the search warrant public
The US Justice Department is investigating whether Trump has hidden any confidential records at his Florida residence since leaving the White House in 2020. The US Justice Department on Thursday asked a judge to make public the search warrants based on which the FBI raided Trump's Florida residence. Why did the FBI raid Mar-a-Lago and what did they go there to find behind Trump? Further information about this may come out.