Russia-Ukraine War: India votes against Russia, UN rejects Putin's demand

Meeting that began on Monday at the United Nations, Ukraine called Russia a terrorist state. The meeting, which was called immediately in view of the swift attacks on Ukraine by Russia, condemned Russia for the attack

Russia-Ukraine War: India votes against Russia, UN rejects Putin's demand
India casts it's vote against Russia, UN rejects Putin's demand, image source: jagran

The fierce war between Russia and Ukraine is not taking its name to end. Meanwhile on Monday the UN General Assembly voted to publicly reject Russia's call. Russia was asked by the 193-member body to hold a secret ballot this week. The vote was being held on whether to condemn the move to masks in the four partially occupied territories in Ukraine. 

India voted against Russia

In the United Nations General Assembly, India voted in favor of public voting instead of secret ballots. While India voted yes, 24 countries including China, Iran and Russia did not cast their vote. Rejecting Russia's proposal, Albania also called for a procedural vote, demanding a public vote instead of a secret vote. Let us tell you that there will be a public vote at the UNGA later this week. 

The assembly said - voting will be held publicly 

Rgarding the censure motion, the assembly decided in favor of 107 votes that a public vote would be held instead of a secret ballot. Voting on the censure motion is likely to be held on Wednesday or Thursday, according to diplomats. Let us tell you that only 13 countries opposed the public vote on the draft resolution, supporting Russia. Another 39 countries abstained from voting. At the same time, Russia and China did not vote on public voting. 

Voting on the condemnation motion will be held on Wednesday

The General Assembly decided on Monday that it would hold a public vote on the draft resolution and not a secret vote. Russia tried its best to get the General Assembly to reconsider the decision but failed. Moscow has moved to link the four partially occupied regions in Ukraine – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya. Ukraine has termed this move of Moscow as illegal and coercive. 

Why Russia wants to hold secret ballot

During the meeting on Monday, Russia's UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzya questioned the pressure to condemn Moscow. Vasily Nebenzya said, "What does this have to do with peace and security or trying to settle conflicts?"

Ukraine condemned

At the United Nations meeting that began on Monday, Ukraine called Russia a terrorist state. The meeting, which was called immediately in view of the relentless attacks on Ukraine by Russia, condemned Russia for the attack.

Ukraine's ambassador, Sergiy Kyslytsya referred to the Russian attack and said the bombing was so intense that some of his close relatives were trapped in a residential building. By launching missiles at civilians sleeping in their homes or targeting school-going children, Russia has shown that it is a terrorist country that must be strongly stopped, he said. 

America also condemned Russia

On Monday, the US also strongly condemned Russia after Russia attacked Ukraine's capital Kyiv with 85 missiles. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday pressured the international community that Russian President Vladimir Putin's actions on Ukraine were completely unacceptable. Blinken said in a statement: "Now is the time to speak out in support of Ukraine.