Russia Ukraine War: Why are Ukrainian soldiers waiting for the winter, what will be the challenge for the Russian soldiers?
Russia Ukraine War During the Ukraine war, Russian soldiers are worried about winter. It will be cold in Ukraine after a month. The Russian military is worrying that the Ukrainian army may try to liberate the Russian-occupied territories.

During the Ukraine war, Russian soldiers have started worrying about winter. It is believed that there will be a cold winter in Ukraine after a month. In such a situation, Russian soldiers are worrying that the Ukrainian army may try to liberate the areas occupied by Russia. This obstacle will also stand before the Ukrainian troops. It is being predicted that the temperature in the north-east of Ukraine will drop so much that the battlefields will turn into ice. In such a situation, the question arises whether the Russian army will change its military strategy. What will be the effect of this change of weather on Ukraine war.
1- Nine months are going on for the Ukraine war that started in February. Right now this war is going on between Russia and Ukraine. Winter is about to begin, in such a situation the question is arising whether it will also affect the Russo-Ukraine war. The Russian military knows how cold it is in Ukraine. If we look at the weather of Ukraine, then the average temperature of Ukraine from December to March is around - 4.8 ° C to 2 ° C
2- It snows in Ukraine from December to mid-February. Perhaps this is the reason why the Russian army opened a front against Ukraine in February. It is less cold in the southern part of Ukraine and in the coastal areas of the Black Sea. Therefore, it is being feared that the Russian army may change its military strategy in this cold. In the winter, the Russian army can open a new front on the southern part of Ukraine.
3- Foreign affairs expert Prof Harsh V Pant says that the winter season will create problems for both Ukrainian and Russian soldiers. He said that the biggest challenge would be to send food items to the soldiers fighting in the war due to winter. He said that it is not that this challenge will be with any one army, but both Russia and Ukraine will have to deal with this problem. He said that snowfall in Ukraine can stop the movement of the Ukrainian army. This could harm the Ukrainian army. Ukraine's operations in Kherson have already been affected due to heavy rains in October.
4- Prof Pant said that the Russian army would like to reduce the outbreak of winter in Ukraine, but the Ukrainian army would like the battlefield to be frozen with snow and it can beat the Russian forces. Prof Pant said that there is no doubt that Russian and Ukrainian armies have good practice of fighting in winter. The equipment and weapons of both the armies have been designed in this regard. In such a situation, there is little hope that the effect of cold in this war will be very much. He said that if a lot of snowfall starts in Ukrainian areas, only then it will affect the war.
5- Prof Pant said that it is also expected that the Russian army can change its strategy in the winter season. It will insist on fighting with arms rather than on the ground. This includes cannon bombing and drone strikes. Drone attacks may increase during the winter season. In such a situation, the military forces of both Russia and Ukraine will be heavily dependent on drones. The Russian military can target Ukraine's supply depots and power plants through these attacks. The Russian military is eyeing Ukraine's resources.
6- It is feared that this winter the Russian army may target the civilians of Ukraine. He said Russia has already targeted Ukrainian civilian targets and resources. The Russian military has targeted Ukraine's water supply and power plants. Therefore, there is a strong fear that the Russian army may continue such attacks in winter. He said the attacks have become more aggressive since Russian President Vladimir Putin changed the new commander of Russian military forces in Ukraine. Because of this, the fear has increased that the Russian army may cause more destruction in Ukraine. Its purpose will be to break the spirits of the people of Ukraine.