Santosh Kumar - An author's journey from novice to novelty

Santosh Kumar is a scholar by the day and an artist by night. He has slowly and steadily carved a niche for himself in the field of literature by his constant contributions in multiple anthologies and has now branched out to write his solo books the specimen of which was evident in the recently published book "Ashvaththama Maara Gaya". He has been awarded Limelight Awards 2021. He has striker a fine balance between his work commitments, his academic caliber and his artistic passion. Starting at a very young age his career as a writer is a journey of transformation from a novice writer inspired by other writers, to a person writing his inner dilemmas on paper. He is still trying to grasp the nitty-gritty of reaching out to a wider audience and in the future will flourish further as a writer.
As an author, he started publishing his poetry at the age of 14-15 but it took him some time to get a knack about writing and publishing, which involves a lot of missed opportunities. At the age of 22, he published his first book of poetry called "I am in the Search of Me" which was eventually released during the lockdown and therefore got no reception at all. It was a major realisation for him to take baby steps towards publishing. He branched out to adapting his stories into short films and also ventured into scriptwriting in tv series. It was during this time he started contributing to various anthologies which increased his reputation as an author. Today he has contributed to about 30 anthologies with many more to come. His writings are varied in their genre ranging from existential, philosophical, socio political to spiritual and at the beginning of his writing of his career, patriotic writings.
His future projects includes his solo book "Abhineta", which was originally written as a movie script, and many more anthologies. He also plans to resume making short films based on his stories. Not to forget he continues to contribute in the academic circle. All in all Santosh Kumar has a lot up his sleeves for his readers to enjoy.