US President Joe Biden said, democracy is threatened in the whole world including America

US President Joe Biden has said that democracy is under threat all over the world including America. Biden was speaking at a program in memory of the American people killed in the war in Arlington. CNN has published this statement of theirs.

US President Joe Biden said, democracy is threatened in the whole world including America

US President Joe Biden has said that democracy is under threat all over the world including America. Biden was speaking at a program in memory of the American people killed in the war in Arlington. His statement has been published by CNN.

He said that the debt of sacrifice and sacrifice of those who died in the war for America cannot be repaid in any form. How we remember our martyrs will depend on whether we are able to preserve democracy in the future. He said that empathy is the strength of democracy. We should not look at each other as enemies or neighbours, but with sympathy. When we disagree we have to understand what the other is going through. Biden said about the growing dictatorship in the world that the chances of getting liberalization, opportunity and justice are more in a democracy than in a dictatorial regime.

There should be a coup like Myanmar in America too.

Trump supporters in America are still unable to digest their defeat. Michael Flynn, who held an important position as National Security Advisor in the Trump government, has endorsed that a coup like Myanmar should be in the US as well. Flynn was at an event in which an audience questioned him that what happened in Myanmar cannot happen here.

To this Flynn said, why not, it should be here too. According to CNN, Trump supporters have been celebrating the military coup in Myanmar for several months. He believes that a similar coup should happen in America. So that Donald Trump can become president again.