US: Resignations continue after Capitol Hill violence, Homeland Security Secretary also leaves the post.

US President Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol building. Five people died in the violence during this period. In protest, several officials, including National Security Deputy Advisor Matt Pottinger, have resigned.

US: Resignations continue after Capitol Hill violence, Homeland Security Secretary also leaves the post.

Resignations continue after the Capitol Hill (US Parliament House) violence in the US. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf has resigned from his post a few days after the violence that occurred last week. Trump supporters were attacked in the Capitol building and committed violence in which an officer of the Capitol Police and four others were killed.

Wolf wrote in his letter to the department, "I am sorry to take this step, because it was my intention to serve the department till the end of this administration." Wolf said Pete Gaynor, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, would take over.

The US Capitol attack and the resignation of newly elected President Joe Biden a few days before the January 20 swearing-in ceremony have raised security concerns. Let us know that immediately after the Trump Trump violence in Capitol Hill, US National Security Deputy Advisor Matt Pottinger, First Lady Melania Trump's Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham, White House Press Deputy Secretary Sarah Matthews have resigned.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump has ordered a half-tilt of the flag in honor of two US Capitol Police officers killed in Wednesday's violence in Capitol Hill. Trump announced on Sunday that the White House and all federal buildings would be holding flags until sunset on Wednesday. However, the announcement made no mention of the riots in the Capitol.

Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Siknik joined the US Capitol Police in 2008 and died on Thursday after being injured in the riots. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi had given a similar order since Siknik's death. After this, there was a demand from Trump to order the flag bending.