America's confusion about China:Change in Biden's tone while threatening China

US President Joe Biden said that America's relationship with China would not be the same as Donald Trump's term. Joe Biden said he would try to pursue relations with China in accordance with international law.

America's confusion about China:Change in Biden's tone while threatening China

Washington: Is America's new Joe Biden administration confused about China? This question arose because America, which constantly threatens China, is now seen on the backfoot. The new US President Joe Biden has made the first major statement about China. Joe Biden has said that China is not anti-American, but China-America are fiercely competitive.

Confuse America on China

The President of America has spoken openly about China and has put forward the new administration of America. Joe Biden has said in an interview to CBS that he has not yet spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping after becoming president. While speaking on Chinese President Jinping, Joe Biden has said that Jinping is quite strict. Biden said that he is not criticizing President Xi Jinping, but he is very strict. Joe Biden said that President Jinping is not democratic. Joe Biden said that during his meeting with the Chinese President while he was the Vice President of the United States, he told him that "there is no dispute between us and we should not give rise to controversy." Yes, there should be stiff competition between China and America.

The path will be different from Donald Trump

In an interview to CBS, US President Joe Biden said that America's relationship with China would not be the same as Donald Trump's term. Joe Biden said he would try to pursue relations with China in accordance with international law. He said that in Washington, China is seen as America's biggest strategic opponent and China is a challenge on the world stage. Targeting Donald Trump, Joe Biden said that Donald Trump made frequent verbal comments on China regardless of the consequences, forcing the US to incur losses in a 'trade war' with China.

In an interview given to CBS, the new President of the US has made it clear that America is not going to get into a fight with China, rather the US will first see its interest in relations with China.

US attitude on China changes

In the statement made on China, US President Joe Biden said that supremacy of America's interest is going on the path of peace, but this statement of Joe Biden and the steps of America are going to confuse China. Because, America and China are face to face with Taiwan and both have threatened each other. At the same time, America is seen trying with full force to stop China in South China Sea and Indian Pacific region. Along with this, America is also seen to be dragging its feet behind on many international issues. Just like America's stance on the Indo-Pacific region was focused on the Indo-Pacific region, but now America is talking about focusing on Asia Pacific. With this, the message is visible in the world that the US has not yet made a clear policy regarding China. While Donald Trump's attitude towards China was completely strict, which was favorable to India.