Car Buying Tips: Keep this thing in mind before buying your first car, money will also be saved over time.
Auto loans have given a lot of relief to the people but still a common man has to think a lot for the downpayment. When you go to buy your first car, there are many things that you do not know you spend more money on.

Tips to Buy Your First Car: Everyone's dream is to buy a car of their choice, people add money to their vehicle after years of hard work. Although now the auto loan has given a lot of relief to the people, but for the downpayment, a common man has to think a lot. When you go to buy your first car, there are many things that you do not know you spend more money on. In this article of ours, we are going to tell you some things that can save you not only your money but also time.
1. Check your budget before you start looking at cars.
Shopping is always a fun anecdote, be it clothing or a car. First of all, whenever you make up your mind to buy a car, check your budget. Fix the budget and look for the vehicle in the budget. If you start looking for a car once in a budget, then you will not have to think much later. It is said to keep the total price of the car below 30% to 35% of its annual income. At the same time, your monthly EMI should not be more than 10% of your monthly income.
2. Buying a used car is the best deal for the first car.
If you are buying the first car of your life, then buy a second hand car. Because second hand cars can easily fit your budget. You can buy a one or two year old car comfortably and use it. This avoids the high interest rate of finance, as used cars have a lower interest rate percentage.
3. Choose a finance and insurance company on your own.
Financing and insurance is a major way in which dealerships make money. If you choose an insurance and finance company of your choice, that is, do not include the dealership, then you can save good money from it.