Deepika Manju Singh- A Writer of the Spiritual Novel, “God Needs Us”

Deepika Manju Singh- A Writer of the Spiritual Novel, “God Needs Us”

Deepika Manju Singh is an inspirational writer of the novel “God Needs Us-An Atheist’s Experience’’, a spirituality enthusiast and life motivator. She is a plant biotechnologist by training and holds a Master’s in Plant Molecular Biology from the University of Delhi. She has worked for a number of renowned scientific research organisations, including the Indian Agriculture Research Institute, and National Institute of Plant Genome Research under Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. She is a theology student who is pursuing collaborative religious studies while concurrently working toward her PhD at the UNESCO Regional Centre of Biotechnology in Faridabad. She started her awareness campaign in 2018 out of compassion for the situation of Indian farmers and donates a portion of the book’s royalties to poor Farmers. 

She is currently writing about Inter-Faith Unity, connected to numerous religious organisations. She supports mankind and holds a belief in the goodness and interconnectedness of all creatures.

The fascinating talk we had with Deepika is seen here.

Describe your debut book, “God Needs Us.” What distinguishes it from other spiritual books in your opinion?

“First off, my book isn't a very fervently spiritual one. It is primarily focused on humanity and our obligations to other people. Sufism, where loving God is also loving humanity, is an inspiration to me. Its message is to be kind to one another and to be understanding of one another's difficulties. This is also what our Creator, our God, wants. He requires us to advance and uphold human ideals in this world.

My book's protagonist, Amar, who was previously an atheist on Earth, recounts his journey after passing away. He had many encounters with folks in hell and was honoured to learn from each of their previous Earthly lives. A farmer who, through his diligence and hope, embodied God's pride. A devout man who demonstrated that patience is one of God's main lessons. Amar learned from a prostitute how much courage and respect God grants to everyone. The satisfaction of a scientist taught him to only take the greatest recompense from God. He was shown by a patriot how much God valued his love and commitment to his country. He came to see God's equality with all beings when a third gender entered the picture. And a mother caused an ultimate transformation in Amar by teaching him God’s presence in the unconditional love of motherhood.”


Why did you decide to write this book?

“It was a really anxious and dismal time for me during which I wanted I could somehow put an end to this life since I felt completely defeated by the universe. I had no control over my body or soul, and death seemed preferable to continuing to live in this harsh environment. However, I also met Amar at that time, a complete stranger who somehow made me feel extremely close to him. I was able to talk to him about my worries and my suicidal thoughts late at night in New Delhi's Nizamuddin Auliya’s shrine because of his empathy.

He read my anguish and grasped what I said in a single sentence. He related how his AFTER-death experience changed him and demonstrated how much God needed people like us.”


What difficulties did you encounter while creating this book?

“A PhD student's life centers entirely around her experiments, therefore writing a book at the same time was an extremely challenging endeavour that took three years to accomplish before it was published.”


There are also a number of poetries in your book. Why do you combine the poems and the narrative?

“Poetry is a lovely technique to describe feelings that are difficult to put into words in prose alone. For instance, God encourages and reassures the farmer Gangaram in my book where he says a poem lamenting his misfortune. These poems are Sufi ones.”


What are some typical misconceptions regarding your book?

“Many people think that I personify God in my novel, but He actually communicates with the characters through their inner thoughts. He doesn't show up in front of them.”


Do you encounter any obstacles to your trust in God despite being a scientist?

“It is a myth that those who work in science do not believe in God. Many scientists have a strong faith in God. People are unaware that the scientist regarded as the Father of Genetics, Gregor Mendel, was a clergyman who made a significant contribution to the area of genetics. Because we scientists are deep thinkers, we are renowned to transform society. A substantial portion of my book is devoted to Dr. Ram, a scientist whose life was profoundly impacted by the teachings of God. A higher level of intelligence is necessary to understand God, and the scientific community is well prepared for this.”


You were recently honoured by Ukiyoto Publishing with the title of "Woman Writer of The Year." What are you feeling?

“I'm appreciative. This honour has made me feel more confident. My goal is simply to make everyone aware of the message of this book; I have never worked for any awards.”


What books and other endeavours do you have coming out soon?

“In my second book, I want to describe the journey of a scientist across several world civilizations, including India. The truth, politics, struggles, and relationship between scientists and God will all be revealed in this text. Other initiatives promote interfaith harmony. I'm considering writing a love story as well.”



You study comparative religion; what piques your curiosity about it?

“There are many different people of different faiths in our country and the entire world. We must comprehend them in order to bring them together. The first step to it is to learn about their faith. And trust me, there is one thing that EVERY religion emphasises, and that is HUMANITY.”


Finally, what advice do you have for aspiring writers?

“Whatever you write will have an influence, regardless of how much it is appreciated. Have confidence in yourself. Your work reflects the true words that flow from your heart.”